Monday, November 7, 2011

Raising worms help to speed up organic farming

Towards a sustainable organic agriculture we need to utilize natural surroundings to build organic farming one of which is the use of worms as a tool to help speed up the formation of organic material from various animal waste and waste generated from industrial waste as well as family-based organic
Cattle worm turns many benefits for agriculture, livestock and human health world.

Benefits for livestock worm farm is: Can resulting in solid organic fertilizer produced from the cattle worms, worm cattle that is from the media, media or kascing cattle worms are very good if used for fertilizer, even a scientist from Australia said that the quality kascing top quality compost, therefore he said that kascing is humus.

In kascing there are 14 sanat nutrients needed for plant growth and soil health or fertility. Land which is always given a chemical fertilizer nutrients usually contained in it have a little, even to death, so the soil becomes hardened and water absorption is less. With the provision or use of fertilizer nutrients kascing will create the missing and needed by plants and soil will be back available, so the health and fertility of the soil to be more secure or increase.

Benefits for the world cattle worm is a worm farm can be used as an alternative feed additional feed for livestock and even fish such as carp, catfish, catfish, eel, eel and so on, the worms can be fed to fish in either directly or in processed form such as pellets of fish . Worms can also be used to feed poultry such as chickens, ducks,. Worms can be given in the form of live worms directly or in processed form of pellets.

Benefits of livestock worms to human health, it's been a lot of people who utilize the protein content and amino acids in the worms for pharmaceuticals, particularly for hot drug and herbal medicines.

Seeing so many benefits, therefore in order to sustainable organic agriculture and livestock worm certainly is promising and useful especially for perpetrators of fish and poultry livestock.

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